A globally-competitive work force

A globally-competitive work force with theoretical, as well as hands-on, education must be trained. In addition to the areas of science, engineering, microelectronics and packaging, this training must encompass the broader areas of business, economics, ethics, foreign culture and languages.

Association for Promoting Electronics Technology - IMAPS Romania

APTE, The Association for Promoting Electronics Technology is IMAPS Romania and has currently 88 members. APTE was founded in 2002, by the Center for Technological Electronics and Interconnection Techniques (UPB-CETTI) together with highly respected members of the electronics industry, in order to support the electronics packaging education and engineering, in a climate of trust, ethics, and social responsibility. APTE/ IMAPS Romania organizes annually important technical and scientific events, two of the most important being TIE (tie.ro) and SIITME (siitme.ro), international events with large participation. Go to their webpages for additional details!

Electronics Overview

EMS NOW the global source for the electronic manufacturing services industry

iSupply – Aplied Market Intelligence

Electronics Supply & Manufacturing for OEM and EMS Managers with Global Influence

Electronics and Semiconductors

Wall Street on EMS vs. ODM market share and market segments

www.ipc.org IPC - member-driven organization and leading source for industry standards, training, market research and public policy advocacy, IPC supports programs to meet the needs of an estimated $1.5 trillion global electronics industry

The world`s leading professional association for the advancement of technology

IMAPS leads the Microelectronics Packaging, Interconnect and Assembly Community, providing means of communicating, educating and interacting at all levels

Cadence - delivers application specific kits and new-generation platforms of integrated design technologies and methodologies that help you address all aspects of electronics design in the nanometer era.

GLOBALSPEC - The Engineering Search Engine


APTE was founded in 2002, by the Center for Technological Electronics and Interconnection Techniques, UPB-CETTI, and highly respected members of electronics industry, to promote the electronics packaging education.